Monday, 7 October 2013


LABOR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY means.. no school today! woot woot*

spent the day with Meg and her wabbitses...

aren't they just the darnest little things?! Patrick is such a poser.. he's a total camera whore.. whereas Abby can't stay still.. it's almost like she knows she's being photographed and moves...

sushi for lunch! and guzzled down with cider.. yum.

we watched The Other Boelyn Girl and as a snack.. i made...

deep fried oreos!!!

they were surprisingly delicious! the cookie was soft and chewy and the filling melted like marshmallows. so bad for you but so addictive!
all i you need is:
pancake mix
vegetable oil
small sauce pan
pack of oreos

submerge the oreo into the pancake batter and deep fry it in medium to low heat till golden brown! make sure the batter is more gloopy than runny.. otherwise you won't get much batter on the cookie...

hehehe.. i kind of burnt the last batch a little.. was going back and forth from the kitchen to the lounge where the tv was and they got super brown super fast... so note.. DON'T WALK AWAY FROM FOOD THAT IS BEING FRIED!!

my nails for the day...

not my greatest work.. and it seemed like a good idea at the time.. but i just had no inspiration... and nothing looked right...
for this mani i used OPI Can't Find My Czech Book, Emily De Molly Turbulence and Inevitable, China Glaze Snow Globe and BYS Black Satin.

dinner was take away pasta and Perks Of Being a Wallflower

Carbonara with a side of Caesar salad!

i'm going to miss these little fuzz buckets so much.. only a week or so till my SG trip followed by exams and then i'm off to Perth... where did all the time go?!

i hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

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