Saturday, 27 April 2013

better than being alone..?

the last blue nails for autism awareness month

for this manicure i used Smitten Polish Winter Is Coming and China Glaze Liquid Leather for the hearts. just felt like doing something girly.

went out for dinner with some old primary school friends.. 

it had been so long since i had seen them all at the same time let alone in the same room. everyone sharing snippets of their life's happenings and the few sneak peeks into their love lives. 
it was no surprise that i had gotten into a domestic with the other half before going to the dinner.. he was out with his friends watching Iron Man 3 and a misunderstanding exchange of words sparked it all.  as per usual.. escalated.. swapped mean words and then elongated silence. 
from what i heard.. apparently all couples have their fights.. but sometimes i wonder are they as trivial as mine.. or if they happen as frequent as mine does.. i don't think we've ever gone a whole week without fighting.. it's almost like a ritual now.. it's not right unless we argue at least once a week. and i know i've mentioned this in a previous post.. but.. it's just so frustrating and it makes me cold and distant.. it's not easy as hugging it out.. i physically cannot do that.. and i feel like the more these arguments happen.. the further and further we push each other apart.. not like we need anymore distance than we already have between us.. 
least i had a nice night with some female company.. made me feel a little less lonely and hey.. ice cream heals all.

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