Friday, 19 April 2013

would you like a spot of tea?

not too fancy just a little bit schmancy ;)

took le bestie to High Tea today at the QVB. and i must say.. it wasn't what i had expected at all.. i mean don't get me wrong.. it was very quaint and fancy.. but i guess for a girl who's used to loud surroundings and more or less "street food" it was a very different atmosphere than i had anticipated.

going into it.. i was famished.. but after half a scone with cream and jam i was absolutely struggling to finish the rest..

all in all it was a nice experience.. but i don't think i'll be going again.. it was nice and all but for the price.. i personally don't think it's worth it.

but with that being said.. i hope you had an awesome time Betty! And very Happy Birthday to you!

my nails for the tea party...

i think it's quite girly and fitting ^_^

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