Tuesday, 2 April 2013

something new?

for the longest time.. i used to only buy OPI products... for no particular reason other than being a difficult little snot hahaha. but ever since i moved to Australia.. i quickly learned that nail polish is NOT cheap here. and OPI nail polish go for about 20 bucks a pop.. so being an avid instagrammer now.. i've been seeing lots of posts about a new brand named ulta3. for the most part the conception is, you get what you pay for.. so usually whenever you see things that usually sell much much more for less.. you're a little skeptical.. but.. to my great shock.. the other half surprised me with these suckers...

he drove to Garden City in Perth to get them at the Coles for a steal of $2 each!

the colors from left to right: Soft Hydrangea. Lilac Bloom. Corsican Rose. Brandy Wine. Blue Marlin. Hollywood and Black Satin.

i can't wait to try them. but for now they sit in my box of nailpolish i left behind stashed underneath his bed =="

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